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Financial Freedom Made Simple

You will be given access to the following PDFs to download or print for a one time free of $100.00

  1. 80 Free Places To Post Business Ads

  2. 101 Secrets to Boost Your Credit Score

  3. Become a Trade-line Expert

  4. Best Prepaid Debit Cards

  5. Birth Certificate is a Trust

  6. Business Credit 2009

  7. Business Credit Guru

  8. Cards That Pull Trans Union

  9. Cards That Pull Experian

  10. Cards That Pull Equifax

  11. Comenity Bank Store Credit Cards

  12. Constructive Notice Disclosure - Used to open a bank account without and SSN number

  13. CPN Credit Secrets

  14. Credit Card Lending List

  15. Credit Inquiry Approvals List

  16. Credit Repair Tool Kit

  17. Credit Score Zoom

  18. Easy Trade-lines to Post to your Credit File

  19. Free Phones to use for SCN profiles

  20. How to Buy a House With Little or NO Money Down

  21. How to Create Corporate Credit

  22. How to Get Out of Chex Systems

  23. How to Get Unlimited Business Financing With Out a Personal Guarantee

  24. How to Register Your SCN with IRS for your NEW EIN

  25. Increase Your Credit Score

  26. Inquiry Removal - Rapid Response

  27. No Chex Systems and Second Chance Banks

  28. Places to Validate your SCN

  29. Money Secrets

  30. Small Business On-line Marketing Guide

  31. The BEST and WORST Secured Credit Cards

  32. The Dealers Secret

  33. The Ultimate Credit Reports Loophole

  34. UCC Filings - HOW TO !

And about 10 more !!

$1000s of dollars worth of information for very little !

Zellepay -

( or CashApp ($ForWorkOnly)

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This program is not intended to be used as a method of defrauding banks, creditors, or any other organization that requires your social security number as identification. This program is not a method to avoid paying your existing or future debts. If you created the debt, you are responsible to repay that debt. However, we will not support, facilitate, nor condone any fraudulent activity. The information here is informational purposes only and for you to use at your own risk. We are not lawyers or any legal services. We have a non refund policy because of the work needed to give you the info.  


Affordable Financials has posted this message in plain sight on the front page of our webpage so consumers can be aware "CPN's" are defined as any 9 digit number which can be used for credit; such as a SSN, ITIN, TIN, or EIN and it is very clear the largest warehouser of converted 9 digit government issued numbers; such as, ITIN, TIN, SSN, and EIN ARE IN FACT FOUND THROUGH OUT THE BANKING WORLD AND WITHIN THE BANKS DATABASE and ATTACHED TO CREDIT AND LOAN FOLDER LEGALLY ORIGINATED BY THESE SAME BANKS.

IT IS OUR STATEMENT THAT Affordable Financials IS NOT ENGAGING IN ANY PROHIBITED BUSINESS ACTIVITIES SUCH AS: A. Representing, expressly or by implication, that through the use of our products or services, consumers can alter their identifying information to conceal adverse credit information from consumers' credit records, credit histories, or credit ratings, including but not limited to the use of Employer Identification Numbers ("EINs"), Taxpayer Identification Numbers ("TINs"), or alternative Social Security Numbers in lieu of the consumers' own Social Security Numbers; B. Representing that the building of a new credit record by applying for credit using an EIN, a TIN, or an alternate social security number instead of a consumer's own social security number is legal; C. Misrepresenting any material fact concerning the ability of our products or services to perform or provide any credit-related function for consumers, including but not limited to improving consumers' credit reports or profiles, consolidating debt, obtaining or arranging a loan, or obtaining or arranging any extension of credit; and D. Misrepresenting any fact material to a consumer's decision to purchase our products or services. E. Representing, expressly or by implication, that through the use of our products or services, consumers can alter their identifying information to conceal adverse credit information from consumers' credit records, credit histories, or credit ratings, including but not limited to the use of Dun & Bradstreet Numbers ("DBNs"), Employer Identification Numbers ("EINs"), Taxpayer Identification Numbers ("TINs"), or alternative Social Security Numbers in lieu of the consumers' own Social Security Numbers; F. Representing that the building of a new credit record by applying for credit using a DBN, EIN, a TIN, or an alternate Social Security Number instead of a consumer's own Social Security Number is legal; G. Misrepresenting any material fact concerning the ability of our products or services to perform or provide any credit-related function for consumers, including but not limited to improving consumers' credit reports or profiles, consolidating debt, obtaining or arranging a loan, or obtaining or arranging any extension of credit; and H. Misrepresenting any fact material to a consumer's decision to purchase our products or services.

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