$100.00 Per FILE
(30 - 45 Business Days)
CPN with Trimerge (Attaching Personal Information to the CPN Number)
Public Records (Making sure your number is attached to the person and is not ghosted)
Two primary lines (This can either be department store cards or un-secured credit cards ) :
Care Credit
Bank of America
Department Store Cards
Gas Cards
You will also be able to apply for utilities, phones, internet, rent an apartment or house, and much more !
You will receive detailed instructions on how to build the CPN from this point on.
Get 15 Files for $675.00
That is 15 completely different people.
15 clients receive the same as one client.
Not all 15 have to be sent at one time.
Profile sent back within 24-48 hours
Profile total completion 30 days from tri-merge.